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3. Rectangular-radial drawings of cubic plane graphs
Computational Geometry, theory and applications, 2010, Accepted Paper
Mahdieh Hasheminedjad, S. Mehdi Hashemi, Brendan D. Mc Kay, Maryam Tahmasbi
4. Ortho-radial drawings of Graphs
Australian Journal of Combinatorics, volume 44, 2009, pages 171-182
Mahdieh Hasheminedjad, S. Mehdi Hashemi, Maryam Tahmasbi
6. Designing An Aspect-Oriented Persistence Layer Supporting Object-Oriented Query Using the Net framework
Computing and Informatics, Volume 22, 2009, Pages 1001-1016
Mohamadreza Jooyandeh, S. Mehdi Hashemi
13. Multiobjective Optimal Time planning in SCATS for Flow-Varying Signal Control
Amirkabir journal of Science and Technology, 2009
Mehdi Ghatee, S. Hassan Godsipoor, S. Mehdi Hashemi
18. On The Upward Embedding On The Torus,
Rocky Mountain, Journal of Mathematics, Volume 38, Number 1, 2008
Ardeshir Dolati, S. Mehdi Hashemi, Masoud Khosravani
19. Single Machine Scheduling with Sequence Dependent Setup Times using Modified Ant Colony Optimization
Amirkabir journal of Science and Technology, 2008
M. Rashki Ghaleh no, S. Mehdi Hashemi
29. Digraph embedding
Discrete Mathematics, Volume 233, Issues 1-3, 28 April 2001, Pages 321-328
S. Mehdi Hashemi
Refereed Journal Papers
1. Dynamic shortest path problems with time-varying costs
Optimization Letters, volume 4(1), 2010, pages 147-156
S. Mehdi Hashemi, Shaghayegh Mokarami, Ebrahim Nasrabadi
2. An Effective Hybrid PSO-based Algorithm for Planning UMTS Terrestrial Access Network
Engineering Optimization, 2010, Accepted paper
S. Mehdi Hashemi, Mohsen Rezapour, Ahmad Moradi
3. Rectangular-radial drawings of cubic plane graphs
Computational Geometry, theory and applications, 2010, Accepted Paper
Mahdieh Hasheminedjad, S. Mehdi Hashemi, Brendan D. Mc Kay, Maryam Tahmasbi
4. Ortho-radial drawings of Graphs
Australian Journal of Combinatorics, volume 44, 2009, pages 171-182
Mahdieh Hasheminedjad, S. Mehdi Hashemi, Maryam Tahmasbi
5. Preemptive priority-based algorithms for fuzzy minimal cost flow problem: An application in hazardous materials transportation
Computers & Industrial Engineering, Volume 57, Issue 1, August 2009, Pages 341-354
Mehdi Ghatee, S. Mehdi Hashemi, M. Zarepisheh, E. Khorram
6. Designing An Aspect-Oriented Persistence Layer Supporting Object-Oriented Query Using the Net framework
Computing and Informatics, Volume 22, 2009, Pages 1001-1016
Mohamadreza Jooyandeh, S. Mehdi Hashemi
7. Minimum cost time-varying network flow problems
Optimization Methods and Software, September 2009
Ebrahim Nasrabadi, S. Mehdi Hashemi
8. Spherical-Rectangular Drawings
WALCOM 2009, LNCS,2009,pages 345-356
Mahdieh Hasheminezhad, S. Mehdi Hashemi, Brendan D. McKay
9. Optimal network design and storage management in petroleum distribution network under uncertainty
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 22, Issues 4-5, June 2009, Pages 796-807
Mehdi Ghatee, S. Mehdi Hashemi
10. Some concepts of the fuzzy multicommodity flow problem and their application in fuzzy network design
Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Volume 49, Issues 5-6, March 2009, Pages 1030-1043
Mehdi Ghatee, S. Mehdi Hashemi
11. Application of fuzzy minimum cost flow problems to network design under uncertainty
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Volume 160, Issue 22, 16 November 2009, Pages 3263-3289
Mehdi Ghatee, S. Mehdi Hashemi
12. Traffic assignment model with fuzzy level of travel demand: An efficient algorithm based on quasi-Logit formulas
European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 194, Issue 2, 16 April 2009, Pages 432-451
Mehdi Ghatee, S. Mehdi Hashemi
13. Multiobjective Optimal Time planning in SCATS for Flow-Varying Signal Control
Amirkabir journal of Science and Technology, 2009
Mehdi Ghatee, S. Hassan Godsipoor, S. Mehdi Hashemi
14. On the sphericity testing of single source digraphs
Discrete Mathematics, Volume 308, Issue 11, 6 June 2008, Pages 2175-2181
Ardeshir Dolati, S. Mehdi Hashemi
15. The solution and duality of imprecise network problems
Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Volume 55, Issue 12, June 2008, Pages 2767-2790
Mehdi Ghatee, S. Mehdi Hashemi, Behnam Hashemi, Mehdi Dehghan
16. Generalized minimal cost flow problem in fuzzy nature: An application in bus network planning problem
Applied Mathematical Modelling, Volume 32, Issue 12, December 2008, Pages 2490-2508
Mehdi Ghatee, S. Mehdi Hashemi
17. Robust fuzzy regression analysis using neural networks
International Journal Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems volume 16, 2008, pages 579-598
Ebrahim Nasrabadi, S. Mehdi Hashemi
18. On The Upward Embedding On The Torus,
Rocky Mountain, Journal of Mathematics, Volume 38, Number 1, 2008
Ardeshir Dolati, S. Mehdi Hashemi, Masoud Khosravani
19. Single Machine Scheduling with Sequence Dependent Setup Times using Modified Ant Colony Optimization
Amirkabir journal of Science and Technology, 2008
M. Rashki Ghaleh no, S. Mehdi Hashemi
20. An ACO algorithm to design UMTS access network using divided and conquer technique
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 21, Issue 6, September 2008, Pages 931-940
S. Mehdi Hashemi, Ahmad Moradi, Mohsen Rezapour
21. Ranking function-based solutions of fully fuzzified minimal cost flow problem
Information Sciences, Volume 177, Issue 20, 15 October 2007, Pages 4271-4294
Mehdi Ghatee, S. Mehdi Hashemi
22. Descent direction algorithm with multicommodity flow problem for signal optimization and traffic assignment jointly
Applied Mathematics and Computation, Volume 188, Issue 1, 1 May 2007, Pages 555-566
Mehdi Ghatee, S. Mehdi Hashemi
23. Two new algorithms for the Min-Power Broadcast problem in static ad hoc networks
Applied Mathematics and Computation, Volume 190, Issue 2, 15 July 2007, Pages 1657-1668
S. Mehdi Hashemi, Mohsen Rezapour, Ahmad Moradi
24. An LP-based approach to outliers detection in fuzzy regression analysis
International Journal Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, volume 15,2007, pages 441-456
Ebrahim Nasrabadi, S. Mehdi Hashemi, Mehdi Ghatee
25. Fuzzy goal programming: Complementary slackness conditions and computational schemes
Applied Mathematics and Computation, Volume 179, Issue 2, 15 August 2006, Pages 506-522
S. Mehdi Hashemi, Mehdi Ghatee, Behnam Hashemi
26. Combinatorial algorithms for the minimum interval cost flow problem
Applied Mathematics and Computation, Volume 175, Issue 2, 15 April 2006, Pages 1200-1216
S. Mehdi Hashemi, Mehdi Ghatee, Ebrahim Nasrabadi
27. Fully Fuzzified Linear Programming, Solution and Duality
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, Volume 17, Issue3, 2006, Pages 253-261
S. M. Hashemi, M. Modarres, E. Nasrabadi and M. M. Nasrabadi
28. A better heuristic for area-compaction of orthogonal representations
Applied Mathematics and Computation, Volume 172, Issue 2, 15 January 2006, Pages 1054-1066
S. Mehdi Hashemi, Maryam Tahmasbi
29. Digraph embedding
Discrete Mathematics, Volume 233, Issues 1-3, 28 April 2001, Pages 321-328
S. Mehdi Hashemi
30. The Complexity of Upward Drawings on Spheres
Order ,Volume 14, Number 4 / December, 1997
S. Mehdi Hashemi, Ivan Rival and Andrzej Kisielewicz